Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations

August 4, 2022

by Congressional Research Service (CRS)

Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations

US Congress' 2022 June updated report on Mexico’s current criminal landscape

Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations

This report analyzes Mexico’s criminal landscape, including pervasive violence and corruption. It also discusses categories of illicit drugs in Mexico and profiles nine major criminal organizations in Mexico, as well as the fragmentation and competition among these major drug trafficking organizations (DTOs).

The Congressional Research Service

The CRS is a goverment policy research institute of the US Congress which operates from the Library of Congress. Its mission is to provide information that is confidential and nonpartisan basis to congressmen so they can take proper decisions.

The report is considered highly accurate by many journalists and intelligence analysts. The information is well cited and created by US intelligence community professionals with much operational experience in Mexico.



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