What is Fuerza Civil?

The Civil Force is on paper a state police force, yet in reality it’s a paramilitary reaction force that is heavily armed and specifically equipped to deal with the narcos and create a bridge between federal and municipal forces.

What is the PEMEX Strategic Safeguard Subdirectorate (SSE)?

The SSE is the unknown armed wing of the Mexican state-owned oil company, and although small they are highly capable and very battle tested

What is the Mexican Federal Protective Service?

The Federal Protective Service (SPF for its initials in Spanish) is a federal police agency in charged of securing critical infrastructure, but they do so much more than that.

(U) TRADOC Threat Tactics Report: Russia

The United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) 2015 Threat Tactics Report of Russia. To include doctrine, TTPs, force structure, equipment, etc.

IEP: 2022 Mexico Peace Index

An analysis on the factors and measurements that drive peace in Mexico

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